Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Miracles Are Made by MTH

How miracles are made.
1.  Specificity.
Do you know what you want? Do you believe that you can actually have it? Do you believe that you actually DESERVE TO HAVE IT?
The more specific we are, the more we open our minds and hearts to possibility.
Don’t limit yourself by being “realistic.” Who defines what realistic even IS in the first place. Bleh.
I could write a whole ANTHOLOGY on all the complete and total NORMALCIES (is that a real word?) of the here and now that were at one point seen as unrealistic… or worse, COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY UNFATHOMABLE. (Man on the moon, the 4 min mile, electricity… THE INVENTION OF THE WHEEL!)
2. Put it out there.
Don’t be afraid to tell other people what you’re doing, wanting, searching for. The potential benefit FAR outweighs the risk. Ask for help. Ask for guidance. ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED. 
“Ask and ye shall receive.”
“Ye have not, because ye ask not.”
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Enough said.
3.  Be open to third alternatives. 
Every time I set a goal or dream a dream or ask for something wonderful, I say in my mind, “This or something even better!” I learned it from my mom, who probably learned it from her mom, who probably made it up, because she was incredible.
Trust that if your heart’s in it, the very best thing, experience, lesson, etc etc etc is on it’s way!
Even if it’s not precisely what you’d anticipated, take it and run, or leap, or learn.
As I shared today on my personal blog, you don’t want to get so busy climbing the “ladder of success” that you haven’t paid any attention to which wall it’s leaning up against! You could miss a million miracles along the way!
Natalie Norton
(PS. The picture above will make 100% more sense if you first read my want adhere and today’s post here.)
Reblogged from MTH

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